
Protection Against Spam

1. Evolving Spam defenses
Spammers get smarter every day. It is vital to select a provider that dedicates resources to tackling Spam and staying one step ahead of the bad guys. Left alone, Spam filters quickly become outdated, unreliable and more susceptible to filtering good emails while letting the bad ones slip by. Constant vigilance is required for successful Spam fighting, which is not often handled by orlando digital marketing companies.

2. Spam filtering safe list and settings
While every company looks to promote the accuracy of their Spam filter, we recommend selecting a company that provides a level of control over their filtering settings. We recommend looking for Spam delivery settings as well as safe listing capabilities. This will allow email administrators and users to dictate what to do with filtered messages, when to erase them and most importantly, if a good email is caught, the involved email address can be added to a safe list to prevent further false positive filtering.

3. Spam blacklist prevention
Public blacklists are used by thousands of ISPs as part of anti-Spam defenses. If a company’s mail servers were to become blacklisted for sending Spam, it would result in mail delivery problems and immeasurable costs in lost business. We recommend selecting an email provider that has automated processes in place to prevent Spam from being sent from their system, as well as clearly defined procedures to deal with a blacklisted server should it occur.

4. Immediate virus updates from multiple vendors
With the proliferation of viruses and the potential damage they can cause, it is critical to block new viruses as soon as they are spotted on the Internet. Anti-virus companies react to virus threats as quickly as they can, but sometimes certain companies are able to block viruses quicker than others. For this reason, we recommend selecting an email provider that receives immediate virus updates from at least two reputable anti-virus companies.

5. Feature-rich Webmail
Many email users enjoy Webmail for two reasons: (1) Webmail allows them to access their mail from any Internet-connected computer; and, (2) Webmail eliminates the need for the user to configure email software clients like Microsoft Outlook. We recommend selecting a provider with a fast, clean, ad-free and feature-rich Webmail interface. You also should check for Webmail branding capabilities if you would like to customize the interface with your logo and color choices to make it look like your own.

6. Service level agreement
We highly recommend selecting an email hosting provider with a service level agreement that guarantees 99.99% uptime and provides financial retribution if that level is not achieved.

7. Ease of administration
Whether you run a small business or a large enterprise, ease of administration is critical when selecting an outsourced email host. Make sure that you are provided with the necessary tools to

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